I don't have a twitter account, but I sometimes think of the random stuff that happens to me, and how it would be a "fun read". If you have been following my blog, you know the kind of "random stuff" I am talking about. Not sure, oh..well, let me give you a small example. I went to bed tonight at 8 pm, as I was tired after a long day. I am pretty sure I was asleep in 2 minutes. I was awoken, ummm no, I was JOLTED out of bed 2 hours later by a SCREAM beside me. Ya know that term, "blood curdling"? Let's just say, my blood is sufficiently curdled. I bolted upright, and snapped on the light, expecting the worst. I think I kept saying "What?? What?? What???" over and over again in fear and dread. I look at Cliffy beside me, who has his arms up in the air in defensive mode saying.."Horses were going to fall on me or something..." and then rolled over to ...