
Showing posts from 2017

Guess who is a Military Mamma?

     Good October 21st to everyone. Yet again, the summer just flew by like a bat outta hell, and they are FAST! I remember my grandmother telling me time goes faster the older you get, and as I am now OLDER, I fully understand what she meant. One month just melted into the next, and BLINK! IT IS OCTOBER!         We were all very busy this past summer, and it seems grand kids, health issues and making home improvements were a big part of it. I guess I will begin with a brief synopsis of the crazy summer had by all here at Homeland Farm.          Spring came and with it, a serious case of " We need to spruce up the place". I was the only one that suffered from the actual disease, but I was very good at spreading it around. (Insert evil grin here.) I worked diligently on my spring cleaning until I got to the kitchen. Then...the real fun began. Cliff, Liam, Cam and I tore up the old kitchen flooring, and cleaned up all the f...

It's my birthday and I'll blog if I want to...

          Hello again. This blog is brought to you by an ever older Carmen C. Horton. Anyone else find that the older you get, the older you get? What do I mean? Well, let me explain.           Generally speaking, I am not one to dwell on wrinkles, gray hair and saggy skin. Oh, and my favorite...chinny whiskers. Generally speaking, that is. I think it is due to the fact that my eye sight is so crappy these days I just can't see all of it as well as I used to.Of course, it helps that my light shades in the bathroom and bedroom are so well covered with a fine layer of dust, I can barely find my clothes to get dressed. Plus, on top of everything, I now have to take my glasses OFF to see anything anyways. What the??            But then, one day you are glancing into your rear view mirror, or washing a window and catch a glimpse of your image in the clean glass and BAM! Where in GOD'S NAME did that...

Bad Animal Selfies...

          I am amazed everyday when I see friends on Facebook proudly displaying their selfies. For the most part, everyone always seems to look great. Nice smile, hair combed, no double chin(s).           Not one to be left out of the loop, I too joined the "selfie parade'. Unfortunately, I wasn't quite as successful as some of my friends in taking a great photo of myself. Actually, I wasn't successful at all. My "nice smile" always came off as a lopsided smirk, my hair is really never combed, and those double chins, well, better make it a triple. Quadruple??            As I was going through my online photo albums in search of a great selfie, I realized I am in good company.  Seems the animals here at Homeland Farm also have a real problem with selfies. Let me show you what I mean. Here is Liam trying to model his military thanks to Annalee     ...