Bad Animal Selfies...
I am amazed everyday when I see friends on Facebook proudly displaying their selfies. For the most part, everyone always seems to look great. Nice smile, hair combed, no double chin(s). Not one to be left out of the loop, I too joined the "selfie parade'. Unfortunately, I wasn't quite as successful as some of my friends in taking a great photo of myself. Actually, I wasn't successful at all. My "nice smile" always came off as a lopsided smirk, my hair is really never combed, and those double chins, well, better make it a triple. Quadruple?? As I was going through my online photo albums in search of a great selfie, I realized I am in good company. Seems the animals here at Homeland Farm also have a real problem with selfies. Let me show you what I mean. Here is Liam trying to model his military thanks to Annalee ...