My Uncle was right..It's hell to get old!

Don't even get me started on the gray hair.. My Uncle Billy used to lament about getting old. I thought he was being over dramatic or whiny. I thought Geez, how bad can it be?? But, then I hit my 50's! Everyday I wake up and think WHEW! Made it! Another night of restful sleep...ummm maybe not. It seems my dreams get crazier and more detailed all the time. Sometimes they are scary, and I wake up with my heart racing. Crazy CRAZY I tell you! Snakes..roses..earthquakes..weird houses..some of which I think oh yeah..saw that on Facebook. BUT..most make no sense at all. I roll over and cuddle next to Cliffy, who I figure probably wants to wake up and hear all about it. Well...maybe in the morning. At least I can cuddle with him until I get the nonsense outta my brain and doze back off. Or not, and I just lay there..changing positi...