The Blessing

This is a very different blog today, as I share something that happened to me this past Sunday. It is something I still am trying to wrap my mind around, so please bear with me as I try to find just the right words. It was amazing, moving, wonderful, and awe inspiring all at the same time, and to be honest, I am still in the process of understanding it. Here is my best description, as I recall it. Early morning cleaning and mowing..My grandparents stone in the back corner Sunday was a warm, partly sunny day, and drier then it has been, so I decided to mow the lawns. My mother's mower was in the shop, so I decided to start in the family cemetery..Homeland Cemetery, located in the back of our hay field. I rode over on the mower, and started mowing, saying hello to all the relatives that are buried there. As I mowed, I noticed the deer had been munching on the geraniums we had planted on Memorial we...