Happy New year!

The whole Homeland Farm gang Happy 2020! I can't believe we are in a new decade, and January is well on it's way to being over. I hope the year brings continued health and happiness to my friends and family. Let's make it a BANNER YEAR! I think I will do a last decade photo recap for this blog, as there were some stellar moments captured on film over the last 10 years. Here we go! Cliffy tending the fire in the backyard Chuppie the pig watching 2014 Chuppie was the best pig evah! A certain peke came into our lives...crazy mutt..2014 Various critters 2015 Lots of work to do ALWAYS, right Cam? Full summer moon 2015 Fall of 2015 brought another new arrival...Amelia! 6 months later.."Chubby Chumpkin" is created..2016\ How much is that donkey in the window?? Summer 16 Turk resting on the porch Fall 2016 Cliffy moving snow winter 16-17 Aww...Milly holdin...