
Showing posts from May, 2012


     This is a top ten list of true events that have happened at Homeland Farm. While you may not believe it, these events really did happen, and now I just need to find time to write about them all. I hope you enjoy reading the list, and I look forward to explaining at a later date.So, here we go...           HOMELAND FARMS TOP TEN LIST Number 10...I was saved from death by my guardian angel..                     (actually written already..will write on blog for                      those that never saw the magazine article.) Number 9...Cabelas doesn't allow me in their store anymore. Number 8...I delivered a foal while people watched and ate              ...

Memorial Day

       Memorial Day, the last Monday in the month of May, has been set aside to remember fallen soldiers and those who have served our country in the Armed Forces. It is also a day when families remember their loved ones who have passed away, often by placing flowers on their graves. I am part of a family that plants over 30 red Geraniums at the stones of four generations of our family.         My brother, sister and I were fortunate to have been able to grow up surrounded by the older generations of our kinfolk. Great aunts and uncles, my grandparents, aunt, uncles and cousins galore were an immediate part of our daily lives. We didn't get dressed up on Sunday to go visit the grandparents, and we weren't forced to kiss the great aunts and uncles once a year at awkward family reunions. No, they participated in births, deaths, and everything in between. Birthday parties, cookouts in summer, haying, holidays and road trips....