This is a top ten list of true events that have happened at Homeland Farm. While you may not believe it, these events really did happen, and now I just need to find time to write about them all. I hope you enjoy reading the list, and I look forward to explaining at a later date.So, here we go...


Number 10...I was saved from death by my guardian angel..
                    (actually written already..will write on blog for
                     those that never saw the magazine article.)

Number 9...Cabelas doesn't allow me in their store anymore.

Number 8...I delivered a foal while people watched and ate
                  coffee and cookies.

Number 7...I outran a mad cow. (Back when I could run.)

Number 6...My grandmother was at my wedding, even though
                   she had passed away.

Number 5...We had a very naughty monkey.

Number 4...I  have been attacked by an angry goose, a very
                   "insistent" German Shepard, and a few yellow
                   ( You will be happy to know it wasn't all at the
                       same time.)

Number 3...My Uncle Billy died at home. We wouldn't let the
                   ambulance take him away.

Number 2...I can't be trusted in restaurants.

              and NUMBER ONE...

                    I slapped a cop. ( It was Zenya's fault, as usual.)

    Thanks for reading the HOMELAND FARM Top Ten List.
So, which one ya want first???

Here is a lovely picture of the BLOG MISTRESS..Makes ya kind of wonder if those things listed above really happened...OR was it the Champagne talking???


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