A Soggy, hoggy summer
A beautiful rainbow after MORE RAIN What can I say..So far the summer of 2013 has been a lousy one for us folks in Maine. We have had rain, followed by showers, followed by torrential downpours ALL SUMMER! Now, I am certainly a fan of everything being nice and green, but it is starting to look like a rainforest around the old farm. The corral is a swampy mess, the weeds have taken over my flower beds, and we have a bumper crop of mosquitoes from all the standing water pooled up around the place. The only creatures that seem to enjoy all the watery, mucky mess are of course the pigs...they can't get enough. Happy as a pig in...MUD! The pot bellied pigs are loving the water holes to wallow in at their leisure, and they have been doing plenty of that. The humans are not so enamored with the muck, as it makes for difficult manure cart pushing! ...