Happy Fourth of July! It has been a while since I have written, but it has been a very busy month and a half. I will try and get back to writing more frequently now that things have settled down a bit.
First off, we had a busy month with finding homes for horses, and also getting in more horses. We now have a total of 17 horses, ponies, mules and donkeys. We also have cows and pigs..and MORE pigs, namely a litter of little piggies that were a surprise arrival the other day. Not much cuter then a mess of piglets in a rainbow of color. We had to bring them into the barn when once again it started to poor and turn nasty..the babies were shivering..
Awww.. |
Petunia and her babies |
Grandma Bro and Great Granny drying them off (wait..isn't that MY laundry basket????) |
How cute...all stacked up like cord wood as Grampy Daigle says |
Warming up the mess o' piggies.. |
Baling! |
Farmer Daigle haying |
We are starting to put in hay too, and Cliffy has been raking and baling like mad, to try and beat the rain. We put in over 300 bales of nice hay yesterday. I am glad it wasn't as blazing hot as it has been lately. We have had a terrible summer so far, with heavy rains almost daily. It has been great for keeping the well filled, but not good for haying, veggie and fruit growing.
Liam toting bales |
I have managed to make several batches of strawberry jam, and now if it stops raining it will be time for raspberry jam cooking. I also plan on making a batch of grape jelly as well...Homemade just tastes so much better then store bought.
Me and my lil helper..:D |
We made 17 pints! |
We made a float for the fourth of July parade here in Bridgton, and although we didn't win a prize, we thought it was a wicked good float! It was terribly hot, with temps over 95 degrees during the parade. I was Betsy Ross, complete with long dress, and I was also dripping in sweat before we even started the parade. The float was made for the Animal Rescue Unit, the animal rescue my daughter started and operates out of Homeland Farm, here in Bridgton.
Before the float..
Preparing the float
Finished product! |
Uncle Sam and Betsy Ross |
George Washington, Captain Nolie and Brogan, ARU founder |
End of a long day |
Annalee and Chupa |
Miss Piggy |
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