I know, I know. The groans of my fellow New Englanders can be heard echoing the land today, as we get dumped on by the third "Nor'Easter" in less then two weeks. And here I thought we were going to get out of this winter pretty well unscathed..well, minus the weeks and weeks of double digit cold we had back in January, Bare ground..not for long But nope. I looked out this morning and said " HA! LOOK CLIFFY BABY! NOT EVEN SNOWING!" It was supposed to have started at midnight-ish, but took its own sweet time getting ramped up. Whoa...did anyone else notice how "Maine Weather Womanish" I just sounded? I bet I could do the weather. Lets see.. Maine-ly SICK of winter moose, complete with matching smile Howdy. I'm Carmen Horton, coming to you LIVE from the fields of Homeland Farm. Wicked Crappy outside, and unless you are desperate for toilet paper, milk or ...