Carmen's Country Crooning
Well, it was probably inevitable. You know, that I would write a country song. I mean, who else is more country then this old farm gal. Of course, it would certainly be much easier to do this if I could play a note on some sort of instrument..piano..guitar...heck, banjo. But alas, all those years of clarinet never paid off for me. All I can do is write it and find someone to set 'er to music. I am pretty sure that this type of thing happens in Nashville all the time, in a land flush with young talent and pretty people. I am just not sure how often it happens in Bridgton, Maine. But get ready folks, because it is about to... HOMELAND FARM
Well, life at the farm can get mighty grim,
sometimes with all the chores,
we don't know where to begin
But, for me and my kin
there caint be no other,
this old farm
is as dear as our mother
Homeland Farm, you are so fine
Homeland Farm, you smell like pine
Homeland Farm, we are here to stay
Homeland Farm, we need more hay
Now, this old farm,
I'd get out there and help,
but I'm learning how to twerk
But I send out the chillins,
and the old man too
They work 'til they cain't
then they come on in fer stew
Homeland Farm, you are so fine
Homeland Farm, you smell like pine
Homeland Farm, we are here to stay
Homeland Farm, we need more hay
Now, if ya'll stop by, and the fire is lit
pull up a chair, and we'll teach ya how to spit
Have a honk on my jug of Barefoot Bubbly
You'll wanna have some more til your seeing kinda doubly
Homeland Farm, you are so fine
Homeland Farm, you smell like pine,
Homeland Farm, we are here to stay
Homeland Farm, we still need more hay
Now, don't be surprised if we look kind of country
Maw in her nightie, and Paw kinda grumpy
the dogs, and the horses and the 'pacas don't care

So, if you wanna have some down home fun,
stop on by, and see how it's done
With Maw, and Paw and all the rest,
Homeland Farm will stand the test
(I'm watching you Tim McGraw..I can see your
wheels and Faith go look elsewhere
for a new duet...)
I crack myself up...