Homeland in all its glory |
Holy smoke, here it is August already. It is (finally) a rainy, damp day and I am all alone. That is very rare, and I decided a good time for a blog update. Here we go!
We have been super busy this summer, and honestly, it seems the older we get, the busier we are. I was perusing one of my old diaries the other day and it seemed like every few days Cliffy and I napped. NAPPED!! How did we do that? Where did that spare time come from? Why can't I pull that off now? I think it is probably related to the fact that we were younger, ie faster, back then and were really doing the same amount of work, but just faster at getting it done. Or....we are just busier. Yeah, pretty sure that's what it is.
Bnb apartment |
Cliffy and I have been very busy this summer with our new Airbnb adventure. We are trying to see how we like hosting strangers in our newly refurbished apartment in the barn. The people have been very nice, and we have had no trouble with any of them. It is quite a bit of work, especially like last week when we had 4 different parties, all staying one night. that made for A LOT of laundry, cleaning and to do it..stair climbing, as the apartment is on the second floor. By the end of the week, I felt like just telling the last guests that I was just going to be sleeping on the couch, to save myself another trip up and down the stairs. I thought that might spook them a bit, especially when they saw me in my granny nightie. But, overall, it has been an interesting experience.
kitchenette |
bedroom |
I have started my usual summer preps for the upcoming, undoubtedly long winter. I froze a mess of wax beans, and made strawberry and raspberry jam. I also made pickles, and are making another batch tomorrow. Cliffy put in a garden this year and we are TRYING to keep ahead of the weeds, but you know...all those naps...gets in the way of weeding. All kidding aside, I am going to get out there tomorrow and pluck like mad. We are starting to get cukes and tomatoes, and I think our beans are coming right along too. Squash seems a bit slow, but it is only the first of August and we did get a late start. (too busy napping....)
Garden..PRE-weeds |
Sooo tasty |
What else...what else? We have had a kid free summer, as my youngest Liam has been off for basic training in Fort Sill, Ok. He has wanted to join the military for years and even though he is still in high school, he wanted to get a jump on it early. He comes back and completes his senior year and then will go to college and get out as an officer. Cliffy and I are going all crazy and heading out to the wild west to see his graduation ceremony. We haven't "left the farm" as he likes to say, in a long time, so we are both looking forward to it. We better have a great month selling stuff at our booth. Another reason we are too busy to nap.
Private Opie and his sad girlfriend Gabby |
Two buddies..Liam and Cousin Nolan |
My brother has a group shop in Bridgton, and we have a booth in it. Keeping it fresh and well stocked and tastefully arranged is a full time job on its own. Thanks to some generous donations of stuff, we have a lot of neat things to fill it with, and plenty more to bring down as what is there sells. Busy, I tell ya, busy.
Then of course, there is my little pal, Chummy. Well, she is of course Milly my grand daughter, but I call her Chummy. Actually, she also refers to herself as Chummy. Kinda cute, that one. She is here almost daily and we have coffee (start 'em young) and cook. She and Granny like to hop on the mower and ride next door to see Gram. She isn't even 3 yet, but is talking like a champ. I think that is a genetic thing..the Yakking gene. It has been passed down thru all the women in this family. She doesn't stop and has much to say. Granny has no time to nap when Chum shows up, for sure.
Chummy and Minnie..same pose |
We have had lots of birthdays and cookouts this summer. My parents had their 51st anniversary, and we had my cousin Bill's funeral in our family cemetery last weekend. I 'm certainly glad this hard rain wasn't last weekend. It was great reconnecting with cousins, and remembering a great guy. He was a mere 61 when he passed away, way too young. I'm glad he is in our family cemetery in the back corner of our field. Homeland Cemetery is a peaceful, serene resting place, and we all like having all our kinfolk nearby.
The whole fan damily |
Well, I suppose I better wrap this up and go do some work. It is so quiet today. Cliffy went North to go visit his son and family, Liam is busy lobbing grenades, the dogs are snoring on the couch and bed and the laundry is caught up. So, I guess I will go get an ice tea at Dunkin' and go check out the booth.
I will certainly have blog material when we go on our Western Adventure. Me..in an airport..with Cliffy, film at 11. Going to be FUN! Can't wait!
Over and Out from Homeland Farm!
Love, love, Love your blogs Carmen...keep them coming.