Good New Years Eve to one and all! I have discovered I am apparently a seasonal blogger. Once a quarter is about all I can muster, and I'm not sure why. Not like I have a farm to maintain...a booth to stock at the local 207 Trading Co...a cute granddaughter to pal around with..dialysis to put up with (although the alternative is pretty unappealing..:)...and a whole host of family fun and activities. But resolution this new years is MORE BLOGGING. Wish me luck!
So..lets see where we left off. Liam was at basic training, Cliffy and I were headed to Oklahoma, and we were in the throes of summer and all it's hectic fun. I will start from there.
Love, Love Love Lilacs..(apple pie too, really) |
Nice looking garden going in |
Zuchinni relish..wicked good |
Cliffy had a dandy garden in this year and we did well with lots of greens, broccoli, beans and tomatoes. We had less luck with squash, eggplant, peppers and cukes, although we did have enough to eat. It was a dry year so we were happy to get as much as we did. Plus, we had plenty of tomatoes to can, with a few pounds from my parents next door. Yum...I love opening a can of home stewed tomatoes come a cold day in February. Just like opening a can of summer, I always say.
Summer in a jar..and the first squash pie of the season |
I made a mess of strawberry jam, raspberry jam, grape jelly and sweet green tomato marmalade, all pretty darn good. Love freshly made jam on one of my hot biscuits, Boy Howdy, them's good eats. (anyone else hear that in their mind said by Sheriff Taylor of Mayberry?? Anyone?? No??? Oh..ok....)
oh so good |
Anyway, I digress. Cameron, my oldest son turned 26 this summer, and is always a willing hand should I need one. He helps me manage the booth of goods at the 207 Trading Co. We had a couple storage lockers donated to us this summer, which we were very thankful to get. We also partially cleaned out a local garage, which had lots of cool stuff. We were very blessed, and have a few months worth of things to stock our shelves with.
This guy will do anything to help dear old mom..:) |
Bro giving Chum and friend a ride |
Brogan, Milly and Cass were very busy this summer as well. Lots going on with young folks these days it seems all the time. Bro got in some horse riding while Cass and Cliff managed to do some fishing. Milly was always ready to talk Granny's ear off and help cook, sweep, swing, shovel..whatever is happening, she is ready to participate!
Homeland's youngest pooper scooper! |
Then, Carmie and Cliffy went off on our big adventure! Liam was graduating from Fort Sill, where he completed basic training. We wanted to go, so were trying to scrimp and save for the trip. We bought the plane tickets, but didn't have the cash for the car rental so my brother Zak was nice enough to rent it for us, and all we had to do was pick it up.
so cool |
So, August 31, off we went into the wild, blue yonder! The plane ride went well, and we managed fine. We got in later then we wanted, since I had hoped to be there before dark, just to make it easier to get our bearings. We caught the shuttle to the car rental place and marched in with our confirmation number in hand.
Mind you, we are "shoe string travelers" having it all planned out and carefully budgeted.
I thought it was all paid for, so when the guy at the counter passed us the paper work and proclaimed.." That will be 475.00", I almost died!! I was like..."WHAT?? WHY???HOW??"
"All you did was reserve it..." the dude exclaimed. Now, before we went, I had called to verify that we were all set on the reservation. I asked them if the car rental place was right at the air port. They said no, it was in a neighboring town. I said.."what? Well that won't work..we have no way to get there." They said" oh ok, we will change the location to the airport rental office". Done.
So, now here we were, and he was saying it was going to be almost 500, which was our entire budget for the 4 day excursion. The unconcerned agent said it was because we had changed the location, and that was why it was more money.
I told the guy we needed to discuss this, and we walked to the benches across the room, and sat down to 'discuss". We decided to pay the cash we had and would call home for cash the next day. So, we went back up to the guy and said..."here is the money."
He looked at it, and said...."we don't accept cash." OMG.
I knew it was time to bust out the big guns.
Gesturing behind me, I said " We have to figure this out, or we are going to be sleeping on those benches back there all night, and you reallllyyyyyy don't want to see me in my granny nightgown..."
Long story short, he made us a 300 dollar deal, and we were off. Big guns work every time. Pays to travel with flannel....
BIG guns, I tell ya... |
We made it to the hotel at midnight after the dang GPS took us on some scenic, dark as the ace of spades country road. We were exhausted but there safely..WITH A CAR and the shower and bed felt good.
Welcome to Fort Sill |
The next day dawned bright and sunny, and we had a great time watching as my "little fella" Liam graduated from basic. A very proud moment for us all...glad we were there to see it...and hadn't had to walk there.
Here they come!! |
HEY MOM!!! |
On the grounds of The Museum of the Great Plains |
Pawhuska, Ok |
Cowboy Cliffy |
We spent two days traveling around the area with Liam, then he flew home and we went north to Pawhuska, OK, to go visit The Pioneer Woman's store. On the way back to Oklahoma City, Cliffy stopped for a horse back ride, and I sat in the AC. We flew out the next day and were reunited with the pooches, who were so happy to have "mom and dad" back.
Can't you feel the warmth |
Summer came to an end, and on to fall. We did lots of outside work and wood stacking, getting ready for winter. I mowed the lawn and Nolie, Cam, and Liam raked, and the very next day, it snowed. This was early November, mind you. Winter was off to a roaring start. We had a white Thanksgiving, and kept the snow, despite off and on rain, right through Christmas. It was been weird weather the last few warm as cold as single numbers. No huge storms, just small amounts of occasional snow. January last year was bitter with 30+ below zero, so I am in hopes we don't repeat that.
Cutest turkey ever! |
Beautiful |
Christmas was awesome, with Milly being the bright spot. She loves Santa and was so excited this year. We had lots of fun singing and dancing with the jazzy singing Santa in my dining room. She got lots of fun presents and enjoyed every minute of it. We did too, actually. I love Christmas every year, and it always makes me happy. No BAH HUMBUG here..just lots of fudge, homemade popcorn balls and hectic activity, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
So, now on to 2019. Holy smoke! It seems it was just 2000, and I was having a baby..who is now a Private in the US Army. How and when did that happen? And...there is the crazy fact Cliffy is turning 77 next month, and I'm about to hit 56 in February. When did that happen? As that country song says...100 years goes faster then you think. I wholeheartedly agree. 56?? But then I see the forehead that looks like a road map, and the white(!!!) hair in my eyebrows, to say nothing about the white hair on my head or gulp...on my CHIN! The reality sets in like ...whoa... But, I'm really not one of those folks that sweat the small stuff and therefore I am not worried about it. As my Uncle Bill would say "I'll live 'til I die.." But..not JUST yet... Might have to take another trip sometime this year..but..I will make my own rental car arrangements.
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