Brace yourselves...

I have been writing my blog now for just over a year, and I have to say it has been very interesting. The website I use, BLOGSPOT, lets you read your "stats" regarding your blog and they tell you all sorts of interesting facts about your readers. For example, what country your readers live in, how many readers have ever read your blog, how often they read your blog, how they find it etc. I am proud to say I have a huge following in Latvia. I had to ask my son where the heck Latvia even is. Yes, there are 28 people in Latvia that love reading "Life at Homeland Farm." Huge following, I tell you! Actually, I am quite popular in all of Europe. Germany, Great Britain, France, Ukraine all host readers of my blog. Of course, they could all fit around my dining room table, but it is interesting to think of them reading about my crazy stories. That is not counting my Russian friends. My second largest readership after...