Not as much like Olivia Walton as I thought...

     I love watching "The Waltons". For one thing, it takes me back to my youth..I miss all the older folks in our family that were alive and kicking during the years the "Waltons" were on television. I can still remember my Uncle Billy asking.."Did you see 'The Waltons' last night? It was an awful good show..Ole Grampa got into the recipe.." Most likely I had seen it, as I liked to watch that show myself. Now they play it in reruns every day so I can almost always get a daily dose of feel good television.
       In today's world, especially after this past weeks events, feel good television is a welcome distraction from the harsh reality of life today as we know it. So much carnage and misery and violence on television every day, all day. A simple show about a close family is what we need more then ever. And I DO NOT mean "The Kardashians". Or the "Honey Boo Boo" family. Yikes.
        Yes, I think we need good, wholesome television viewing, and I am ready to take the lead. Just call me...Momma..Momma Horton. I will model my television persona after Olivia Walton. I already have some of her talents, so I am well adapted at playing her. In fact, we are so similar, I am almost an Olivia Clone.
           Now as many of my blog readers already know, I like to cook, and am pretty good at it. Nothing fancy, just meat and taters.  Like 'Liv Walton, I make regular homemade
vittles such as meat loaf, apple pie and biscuits. I have been known to make homemade root beer in summer, maple walnut  fudge at Christmas and strawberry, raspberry and grape jam in summer. I can and freeze veggies with the best of them. I've plucked chickens and turkeys, cut and frozen meat, collected my own eggs and caught and cleaned my own fish. Sounds just like Olivia huh?
Strawberry jam to be
          Another thing Olivia Walton was good at was sewing. She had to be as there was a depression raging. Olivia could fashion new clothes out of old clothes, piece a quilt, and sew up new knickers every time John Boy needed a new pair, often before breakfast was done.
         Olivia and I are very different here however. I am not good with a needle and thread. I tried. Once.  I believe I still have that old Tee shirt I was forced to sew back in Home Economics class. It came out lopsided and had crooked seams and long ravelings. Apparently, I inherited my sewing skills from Nanny, my grandmother who was famous for very diligently sewing a button on my grandfather's shirt, only to stand up and realize she had sewn the shirt to the dress she was wearing.Yep, I come from a long line of bad sewers.
        As it turns out, it is probably just as well though, as I am fairly certain my 6 foot, 250 pound son is pretty happy he didn't have to wear homemade knickers to high school.
Cameron wearing store bought britches
         Olivia was a very patient mother, as she had to be with seven kids and the in laws in the house. She very rarely raised her voice, kept a spotless house and had kids that did what she wanted without question. This is how you KNOW she was a fictional character. Well behaved kids AND a clean house... fiction. Gotta be.
Making up for throwing shoes
I really do not recall an episode where she ever spanked anyone. She would raise her voice on a rare occasion, but I never saw her throw footwear. Oh, did I mention that's what I did? Yes..I too am a patient mother, but when I get better run. One of Liam's favorite stories was how once when he was little he got in trouble and when I tried to grab him for a spanking, he did the old.."I'm on this side of the table and not going to let you get me" trick. We weaved and bobbed, and I'd start one way and he would go the other, just staying out of reach on the other side of the table. He finally broke for it, ran out the door and headed out the back of the barn. I grabbed the closest thing handy, (a mans sneaker) and flung it at his disappearing form. I missed, but made my point. Cameron had been walking home through the field when he saw Liam come screaming out the back of the barn, followed closely by a large flying object. He turned and went back to Gram's house. He was older. He knew the signs.
        So, I guess I am not so much like "Olivia Walton" as I thought. Thinking more about it, I guess I am more like "Roseanne Conner", or maybe a combo of "Caroline Ingalls" and "Claire Huxtable." Then again..I DO look good in camo. Maybe I am more like June on Honey Boo Boo! Sketti, anyone??   
Me and Brogie Boo Boo


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